Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gift of Love

Who couldn't resist this man who gave me my new toy -- a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 as his Christmas gift. Last year, he gave me my HTC phone which conked out a little after 10 months. Sad that it costs a lot but not that durable. I wish I bought the tried and tested but it was so nice then that I have no doubt I got the best buy. Anyway, he convinced me that phablet is the way of the future and this is the best time to buy it. So off we go to Greenhills to buy the Samsung Note 2. A friend of mine bought his from the same store so we decided to go there. The price is also much lower there than any other stores we went to. It has warranty and the store I feel is more legit than the ones in the bazaar area.

I have been an Android user so I had no adjustment or difficulty using it. I love the 'fastness' of it, the sleek slim finish and look, the pictures and the easy transfer to computer. Actually, I love everything about it. So far, this has been the best phone I got.

Again, thank you bebeko for convincing me on buying and using the phablet. Thank you for the gift of love.

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