Friday, July 20, 2012

I choose you PART 2

I dreamt of a wedding of elaborate elegance, a church filled with family and friends.
I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for; he said one that will make me his wife. –Author Unknown

At the end of the day, this is just what every girl wants — to be with the man she loves.

The grand church, the elaborate wedding reception, the expensive wedding gown, the long list of godparents,these are just additional stuff that we choose for the beautiful execution, for presentation purposes but as the curtain falls and the lights went out, when you go home at the end of the ceremony, the only thing that will matter is that you have chosen well, that you have chosen the one that will make forever seems too short to stay together.

When choosing our partner, oddball is usually not considered a requirement. But these unusual quirks, idiosyncrasies, pet peeves and habits make everyone unique and interesting and it also gives each partner the chance to evaluate their own choices or make adjustments to their existing behavior. My hubby for one is not an exception.

He has a lot of odd things that are plainly interesting, somewhat weird and sometimes annoying. But I have accepted the fact that we will always be different but that we can always celebrate our differences in creative ways .So most of the time instead of honoring my partner for the great things he did and still doing, I am honoring him for the bizarre but cute things he does.

Like half of our date time, he spends it going to the loo. He always has an upset stomach since he was child. His bestfriend even swears that they once lost a game because he had to leave the court to do the deed. Not naman bragging but he was a star player once and his presence matters to the team.

Then he takes a loooooong time to prepare. Whenever we go out, I have half an hour to prepare including taking a bath. He must have at least 2 hours to prepare.

He’s OC when it comes to cleanliness at home. Part of our grocery list is the long line of cleaning agents from Mr. Muscle, Glade spray, Domex, toilet cleaner, Baygon, Cif etc. And he uses them like there’s no tomorrow. Of course our baby is safely tucked in in another house.

He used to sleep 12 hours straight during weekends. Although this changed when we had Johan.

He eats cold foods like food straight from the ref. He doesn’t re-heat or microwave it.

But more that those stuff, he is kind to his family especially to his mother. This attitude reflects on the way he treats me and other people.He knows how to take care of himself and he is kind to his parents.

And he is sweet and consistent. Things that Chris does when we are just starting out like making sure he takes me home, texting me in the morning and checking on me when I get to the office or when I get home, saying sweet nothings, surprising me with small tokens or simply appreciating the small things I do for him or appreciating my efforts, he is still that way, more than 3 years after, nothing has changed. We’re still like we were on our first few months as boyfriend and girlfriend. He respects my personal space and time and he is sensitive to my needs.

He knows his priorities. They say men can’t handle two important things at the same time but he knows that me and Johan will always be his priority. Even in the busiest days at work, he makes sure he calls me just to say he loves me and Johan.

And he is God-fearing. So whatever weird things he does. The good things far outweigh the weird stuff.

And I love him like crazy for that. It’s everybody’s wish that he doesn’t change or if he does, only for the better.

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